Prayer Of Forgiveness

Prayer Of Forgiveness

After a crisis, in order to restore the balance in our lives, we must start anew by turning the page on this past which broke some bonds. There is the importance of mutual and complete forgiveness, of one’s self as well as of the other. In order to rebuild the bonds, one must consent to forgive one’s self before the Lord who will act with the power of His Grace.

➢ Forgiveness is not human, it is divine!

I quote this prayer that does wonders when it is accompanied by the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

“In Your Name, Lord JESUS, by the power of your Holy Spirit, I forgive (...) all the wrong that he (or she) has done to me, consciously or not.

Liberation: In Your Name, Lord JESUS, by the power of your Holy Spirit, I free him (her) of all indebtedness to me, without any conditions and for ever.

Blessing the other: I pray You, Lord JESUS, by the power of your Holy Spirit, to fill him (her) with Your Love and Your Blessings.

Forgiveness of self: In Your Name, Lord Jesus, by the power of your Holy Spirit, I forgive myself all my sins that You have already forgiven, and I accept myself as I am, with all my weaknesses, all my limits, all my faults, all my qualities, and I love myself as I am, since You, first, Lord, have always loved me and You always love me this way.

Liberation of self: In Your Name, Lord Jesus, by the power of your Holy Spirit, I free myself of all fear, all terror, anguish, anxiety. I free myself of all hatred, vanity, aggressiveness, bitterness, desire for revenge. I free myself of all feelings of guilt, insecurity, inferiority, etc.

Blessing: And I pray You, Lord Jesus, to bless me and fill me with Your Love.”

Book: “For the happiness of Couples and Families”, chap. 3.5
