Prayer for couples united through the sacrement of marriage

Prayer for couples united through the sacrement of marriage

This rosary can be prayed in part or in its entirety, alone, by a couple or within a group, with the assurance of the power of union in prayer. Each mystery is prayed for the couples throughout the world who are united through the sacrament of marriage. (Monday and Saturday: Joyful Mysteries; Tuesday and Friday: Sorrowful Mysteries; Wednesday and Sunday: Glorious Mysteries; Thursday: Luminous Mysteries)

In union with the holy couple, Mary and Joseph, the Love of God changes the world.

Request for the intercession of the holy couple:
Holy Mary and Saint Joseph,
We are (I am) asking for
the intercession of your couple,
through this rosary,
so that the Love of the Father
may shine in all the world’s couples
(and in ours)
who are united by the sacred bond
of marriage.
May the graces of marriage
revivify and protect them.

• The Apostles’ Creed
• Our Father, Hail Mary (x3), Glory Be to the Father
• Meditation of the Mysteries
Followed by an Our Father,
10 “Hail Mary”
and one Glory Be to the Father.

“Hail Mary:”
Hail Mary and Joseph
full of graces,
the Lord is with you.
You are blessed
among all couples
and Jesus, your child
conceived of the Holy Spirit, is blessed.
Holy Mary and Saint Joseph,
pray for us sinners,
now and in the
hour of our death.

Final Prayer:
Thank you, Mary and Joseph,
for your intercession.
God the Father cannot
deny anything to you,
who fully said YES
to His Love. Amen.

By Réal Boily

This prayer received the imprimatur:

Nihil obstat: Jean Tailleur, ch.t., V.E., Chancellor
Imprimatur: + Gerald C. Card. Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec
Quebec, 22 February 2016
