In 1989, at the request of his children, he publishes a first book entitled “FOR THE HAPPINESS OF MY OWN (42 ingredients to reach the summit)”, reissued in 2003.
In 1996, HE WAS INSPIRED TO WRITE. Since then, 3 volumes of “FOR THE HAPPINESS OF MY OWN, MY CHOSEN ONES. JESUS” have been published from 1999 to 2002. Thousands of people witness a transformation experienced by reading and meditating the content of the three volumes.
He also has written 4 other books entitled:
Léandre Lachance’s biography entitled A Legacy of Happiness was published in 2016.
At the present time, more than a hundred thousand copies of these different volumes are in circulation worldwide, available in nine languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Latvian, Russian and Hungarian.
In addition, numerous direct by-products of the messages contained in the volumes "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus" are available such as:
• Three CDs of songs;
• The songbooks and partitions;
• A nine hour long recording of Leandre Lachance’s tutorings at the Horeb St-Jacques retreat center in Quebec, Ca., presented in MP3 CD or a pack of five DVDs (available in NTSC or PL version);
• 400 “thoughts”, excerpts from the three volumes (on individual index-cards);
• Two prayer cards and a magnetized bookmark;
• Three books by Marcel Laflamme:
- La Société Nouvelle à l’École de l’Amour (the New Society at the School of Love);
- Chemin vers l’être d’amour (Pathway to becoming a being of love);
- Chemin de guérison intérieure (Pathway to inner healing);
• A book by Thierry Fourchaud:
- Comment me laisser transformer par DIEU? (How to let God transform me?).
Leandre Lachance has been spiritually counseled by two priests: Fr. David Ngondo, and presently by the Abbot Guy Giroux.
“I believe to have been inspired to write”, declares Léandre, adding: “I have the conviction that every person who prays and wholeheartedly listens to the Lord receives inspirations “.
The immense Peace that he was filled with was the key confirmation that impelled him to continue writing and subsequently to hold conferences.
He believes that it partakes in the signs of the end of times. We live in a period where grace is overflowing in everyone who attunes oneself to the Holy Spirit.
Since the publication of the first volume in 1999, he has held almost 100 conferences per year, throughout many countries: Canada, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg, Italy, Lebanon, Latvia, and Yugoslavia. He also facilitates parochial retreats.