We create this page particularly to glorify God for the following prophecy uttered by St John Paul II, just a few months after Jesus had told these very same words to Léandre.
Glory be to you, Lord Jesus!
This message of Jesus and this prophecy of John Paul II fill us with hope and joy in the expectation of the New Civilization of Love which is already being put in place!
[…] “You and I, you with Me, we are at the dawn of the most beautiful story of the world. Abide in Me, as I am always with you. Stop and become aware of how much Love loves you and thus, you become Love. Madly, I love you.”
“God’s Love will embrace the new century. It will be like a time of grace, like the fulfillment of a Love plan for humankind as a whole and for each and every one of us… Let us not be afraid! It is not an old world coming to an end, but the onset of a New World. A new dawn seems to be rising in the sky of history.”