Having lived a painful and stressful time in my life, I went to one of your retreats hoping to find some comfort and some answers. It had been strongly recommended to me.
I let myself be penetrated by the teachings. Soon, I changed my way of looking at life and events. I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit for the smallest steps and decisions. I don’t get carried away anymore and I think things through more thoroughly. I entrusted my life and put my children in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
When a negative situation arises, I wait for stress to pass, then I reflect and let myself be guided and inspired towards positive solutions. So that's what I'm saying. I always try not to be aggressive, but reasonable and measured. I get a lot more messages of love in return.
I pray with the conviction that I’m listened to and carried by Jesus who is my dearest and most wonderful friend. I receive the "Thought of the Day" and I already have the first volume of the trilogy "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus". I read at least two messages a day, and every time I find something that invites me and speaks to me personally. I try to talk about it to people around me and I invite others to the retreat. I participate to Mass with more fervor and take holy communion with more Love.
I often ask my guardian angel to talk to the guardian angel of a person with whom I’m in conflict to sort things out in the best possible way ... and that's what happens. I try to be more welcoming and smiling with everyone. I ask for graces for those I love and for those I don’t like enough. I better accept and welcome difficult situations. I try to be more caring and generous towards others.
That’s what has changed in my life, I look differently on life and people, I like them better.
Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance b> u>