
God's Action

Hearing the Messages of Jesus

19 Jan 2025

When I open my mailbox, the “Thought of the Day” is waiting for me and what comes first to my mind is the fact many of us are reading this message from Jesus the same day. It’s very comforting to be part of the great family of God's children.

These Thoughts also testify to the waves of peace or storm that roam our beautiful blue planet and touch at the same time thousands of people. One can feel the moments of peace and joy as well as the moments of spiritual desert. The thoughts help us in the exercise of praise and prayers.

I’m also always amazed at the accuracy of the message in relation to what I live at the very moment. Better still, most of the recent messages alluded to the grievances and sufferings we encounter on our journey but who are necessary for our purification. I heard these messages, when everything was going well in my life, as a call to strengthen my intimacy and trust in Jesus and stay awake, for the difficulties have indeed manifested themselves. Therefore, I was not caught off guard and I was able to lay everything down at the foot of the cross.

I know that Jesus accompanies me at every moment in my life and will lead me ever deeper into Love. There is a resemblance between this feeling and the pains of childbirth, but afterwards, what a jubilation!

Click here to see also Clickable Thought  
