Yesterday, during a meeting of a prayer group, one of the hosts compared our situation to a family car of which we are the main driver and of Jesus, a hitchhiker we choose or not to welcome aboard and to whom we ask to get out whenever it suits us or, dare I say, when He disturbs us. After all, we are free!
This morning, when I turned on my computer to read the message of the day, I burst out laughing joyfully as I read, "Look how I have guided and driven you from the outset"! We were on the same page!
"That's right, Lord. I feel that You have always been near me and I thank You, but I realize that I still firmly hold the wheel of my life. It's hard for me to trust you. I prefer to be in the driver’s seat of the car; it's very difficult for me to be driven by someone else. I am often scared! This image really speaks to me.
So, today, Lord, I beg you: help me in my weakness and my fears. May my “Yes” no longer be a timid one, but a frank and massive reply, for I have heard Your call to trust You, and I really want to answer it. Today, I let you be the only driver of my car."
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