
God's Action

Gathered in His Love

21 Jan 2025

Our God is a God of covenant and promise, who unites in our time and in His time all His children who are transformed by the love of His son Jesus. What wonderful news, so comforting and prophetic at the same time!

Congratulations and sincere thanks to all those people who have responded to the call to give their lives for this work that comes from our good Father, Our Lord. It is a work of love that transforms us without our knowledge and makes us understand the greatness, depth, breadth of mercy and love of God.

Personally, I owe you a lot for all these daily messages that have become over time my course of action for the day. They respond exactly to the desires and aspirations of my heart: to love and to learn to love. They are my barometer, my thermometer, they permit me to know where I am in my unconditional journey of love.

Click here to read the Thought of the Day  
