I wish to share the benefits of the prayer “My “Yes” for Today" for my sister and myself with you. We already accepted the will of God well enough by reading the books of Léandre Lachance. But after a while, we were perhaps less careful to accept everything God wanted for us.
When I received this beautiful prayer “My “Yes” for Today", I printed it for myself and for my sister. Since then, we recite it every day and even several times a day. This beautiful prayer was truly timely! Last Tuesday, my brother-in-law fell and broke his hip. It is very difficult for my sister who is already sick and who is used to being helped by her husband. I try in turn to help as much as I can.
It is this beautiful prayer that helps us and supports us at the moment. We let ourselves be touched by this sentence: “Yes, I believe that You take care of my life in the smallest detail.” Every time the ordeal becomes too heavy, my sister recites the prayer from beginning to end. We feel more and more that the Love of God is surrounding and guiding us.
Thank you for this beautiful prayer that brings us closer and closer to our Heavenly Father!
Click here to read the prayer My Yes For Today b> u>