
God's Action

Testimonials from a Community of Love and Sharing

10 Feb 2025

We are gathered in a C.L.S. group at Roc-Estello, cradle of the Civilization of Love and the New Evangelization and we think warmly of you.
- We remain in communion of prayers with you every day, thanks to our good memories, the messages and those who continue to spread them, with Father J.M.D. who is present among us. (P.)
- I do not know Léandre very well, but I know enough to know that I’m moved in my heart. (P.)
- Your messages have allowed me to understand that my heart is a welcoming area for Jesus. (N.)
- The Gospel and the "Thought of the Day" launch my day. Whether at work, with family or with friends. (V.)
- Know that you can count on brothers and sisters among us. (M.)
- The most important of all messages has been "Let Him act" that we must put first in all our actions, which would be first of all "non action" on our part in order to "let Him act". For me, it's a difficult exercise, because I was conditioned by an American company to respect objectives and I had to reorient myself to get out of it. Between money and Love, I chose Love. Thank you Léandre for your support. (N.)
- Léandre's messages allowed me to grasp a difficult situation with confidence. What came to my mind the moment I was told I was fired was that the Lord might want me elsewhere. Indeed, the next day, I had another job, more suitable at all levels. In addition, my new employer will accompany us to Sunday Mass! (C.)
- 2 years ago, Claude asked, in his prayers, to be granted to have free Wednesday afternoons so that he could devote that time to the Lord [...]. And his new boss offered him to be free every Wednesday afternoon! (N.)
- Let's be in acceptance. (C.)
- Trust and acceptance (V.).

Click here to read more about the C.L.S.
