
God's Action

A simple and true teaching

21 Feb 2025

I would like to thank you very much for the videos you put at our disposal. I was bedridden for the last few days and I watched three of them. I feel that Jesus is closer to me. It brings me great joy! I very much appreciate the simplicity of your explanations and your pedagogy, the pedagogy of the Holy Spirit, whom you let take center stage. For example, you say that on Sunday we feel Christian, on Monday we are much less so and so on, and it gets worse. How true and annoying! But you offer us a prayer of the heart that is so true and which keeps us far from the discouragement related to our mediocrity. You explain the process of purification that we will have to pass… It sounds so simple to understand and it suits me better than all sorts of other things that can be read and that are frightening or distressing. I thank you for your prayers, beautiful and simple. They’re so needed! I thank Jesus infinitely for all His sensitivity, His tenderness and of course for His mercy.
I agree with you, when you write: “We believe the Lord wants to reach an increasing number of people, using the modern tools at our disposal, including video retransmission.” I have just benefited from it.

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