By Léandre Lachance
Books by Léandre Lachance
In our everyday life, we sometimes make harsh judgments about others. More and more, in my life, I try not to fall into this trap. I share a lived experience that really made me think.
On the occasion of my birthday, in January 1989, my children gave me a big, blank book saying, “What you have passed on to us, we do not want it to be lost; do you want to write it?” If there is one thing I never thought I would do, it is to write a book. I did not think I had that talent, neither the pen nor the skill. As this desire came from my children, out of love for them and especially for my grandchildren, I set to work, not without difficulty. In December 1989: “For the Happiness of My Own, 42 ingredients to reach the summit” was born. My children were the first to receive it, and afterwards I distributed it to friends. Mission accomplished, I put away my pencil …
I was surprised by the many testimonies of people telling me they had benefited from it for their personal lives. They encouraged me to write a second one. So, on many occasions, I took pen to paper. I did write some ideas on paper, but there was no cohesion. The inspiration was not there. I was convinced that my writing career was well and truly over.
On November 7, 1996, while I was praying, I felt an inspiration in me to write what was rising in my heart in my moments of prayer and intimacy with the Lord. I was the first surprised, when rereading what I wrote, to be touched by these reflections. In 1999, in agreement with my spiritual director, a first book was published, under the title: “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus.” So, He was referring to the title of my first book written by my pen. This title meant that it was the Lord who took the initiative and I really felt it. One day, while meditating on Jesus’ Passion, I made a harsh judgment about Peter denying Jesus. In my heart, I said to myself:
“Your denial does not make sense. You who had lived for almost three years with Jesus, who had witnessed so many miracles, you who had seen Lazarus come back to life, you who had lived on Mount Tabor, you who had been so close to Jesus?” A little later in the week, I was in my office for a business meeting with three people. Towards the end of the meeting, one of them exclaims: “I read your book! “
To which I reply: “The first?” He continues: “For the Happiness of My Own, 42 ingredients to reach the top.” I hasten to explain that it was at the request of my children following my life experience. He asks me, “Have you written a second one?” To which I answer: “Who told you that I had a second one?”
And he adds, “It was you who asked me if it was the first. This means that you have written at least one other. What is the title ? “
Embarrassed to witness such an experience of faith, I said, “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones.” And I stopped there. I did not have the courage to say the name of Jesus.
After they left, I realized how cowardly I was when I failed to say the name of Jesus. I said to Pierre: “I think that if I had been in your place, I would not have done better than you. Like him, I cried, many times besides. I acknowledged my fault and sincerely asked the Lord for forgiveness. Since then, I ask St. Peter to intercede for me, so that in all circumstances, I have the courage to testify of my faith, not to be ashamed and to be proud of my belonging to Christ …
Let’s look at the beautiful mercy of Jesus in John 21,15: Jesus wanted to show Peter that he was forgiven, that he was still his friend, he looked at him with tenderness and he came to tell him that he had need of him by asking him three times: “Peter, do you love me?” To what Peter will eventually answer in tears:
“Lord, you, you know everything, you know that I love you!” Peter’s answer was a big YES. Now, what is your answer to Jesus’ question?
Despite our weaknesses, when we give our yes to Jesus, we are fulfilled. As you can see in the following message, after being fulfilled by the Lord, I said to him: Lord Jesus, I want to thank you, give you thanks, bless you for the abundant graces you poured yesterday into the community cell of sharing, and for the Love that you have allowed each member to taste. I love you.
Jesus’ answer:
“My little one, what you experienced yesterday is just a small beginning of what I call you to live. These are only small fires that I am starting to light. These little fires of my love will ignite the whole earth according to how freely you will be consumed like logs. The whole process of transformation and efficiency [the heat of fire and the time it will take to spread] is conditioned by your desire to let yourself be consumed by the fire of my love, to become love, love fire which not only flames, but lights those whom the Father will put in your way. Do you agree to say “yes” to this consuming fire that wants to make disappear in each of you the “Me, myself and I” who always seeks to occupy space, when it is not the entire space, to be replaced by two things:
1. To welcome My Love;
2. Pass it on to the members of your cell to train yourself to transmit it to others, day and night, throughout the year, both in the visible and the invisible.
This is your true mission, for which you were created and chosen as apostles or disciples of the last times.
The “yes” is always necessary to go further, because the Father always respects the great freedom He has given to each of His children. Even if He receives “noes” when He claims “yeses”, He never withdraws his love. Truth be told, its the person who blocks or delays his own advancement. He also delays the plan of love that the Father has planned for the whole earth. Blessed are you to be chosen for such a beautiful and great mission, which is the mission of missions; that for which I came on earth, that I died on a Cross, that I rose again, allowing all humanity to be released from the forces of evil and to enter the plan of love from the Father. It is on my knees in front of each one of you that I come to beg you to give your “total yes”, without restriction or condition.
I love you and I burn with desire to see you become love. Tenderly, I love you all.” Meanwhile,” Do you agree to say “yes” to this consuming fire that wants to make disappear in you the “Me, myself and I” who always seeks to occupy a space, when it is not the entire space? “
Léandre Lachance
“For the Happiness of Young People”, 116 p., 14×21,5 cm € 8.- CHF 10.-
“For the Happiness of the Couple and the Family”, 64 p., 14×22 cm € 5.- CHF 7.50