Tous les Mardis, jeudis
et vendredis à 12 : 30 HNE.
Votre dose d'amour
Our happiness is with the Lord

Thank you for this beautiful testimony that touches me in a particular way! It is good to know that we are an army of men and women walking in the same direction: to learn to let ourselves be loved by our Creator and to expect everything from Him. Our happiness is only by walking alongside Jesus every day, while welcoming our helplessness and our smallness.
By our own means, we do not know how to love. Only the Lord can love through us if we open the door of our heart.
Let us love and put our heads on His Heart, to receive the most beautiful thing in the world: love!

Click here to read more testimonies

My Joy is always great
1C 33

1C_33: My little one, come and snuggle in My arms! Every time you find yourself in My arms again, there is a part of Me that enters into you. That is where you receive so much of My Love and thus you become ‘Love’ even more. My Joy is always great when I hold you close to My Heart!

I discovered True Love

I’ve been following for some time the messages inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to Léandre Lachance on social media. Since then, my life has taken a different turn.
After experiencing rejection from my family and a disappointment regarding the girl I was living with, I became a man full of hatred and vengeance, proud, withdrawn and on a frantic quest for earthly goods. But, a few months ago, I joined a Christian community and after that, I said “Yes” to Jesus. Then, I watched the YouTube videos of Mr. Lachance on Love and, since then, my heart is filled with Love, “because Love loves me, I become Love.”
The resentments I had no longer exist. After reading the books “For the Happiness of Young People” and “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and especially after I recited the “Prayer of Forgiveness in the Holy Spirit” during the Facebook Live of March 13, my heart was liberated and my life was completely transformed. I have discovered true Love, and I have understood that the material goods to which one attaches himself or herself offer no security. So, I want to detach myself from it and trust the Lord who offers true security. I believe I have found undeserved grace in the eyes of God. I simply tell him a big thank you. Glory be to Jesus.

Click here to read Prayer

Take time to let yourself be loved
1A 21

1A_21: My child, take time to let yourself be loved by Me, to truly receive My Love just as you wait for wood to catch fire before enjoying its warmth. In the same way, you must always let yourself be kindled by My Love before you can give it to others.

The Civilization of Love is really coming

The first contact I had with the book “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” happened through one of the messages that was reproduced in the Stella Maris magazine. It touched me so much that I read it several times, meditated, and prayed. I put my hands on the three volumes that replaced almost every other spiritual readings, especially the first volume. Trust me, I have read tons of literatures without much benefice. The Lord touched me through the reading of this book. I finally found a simple way of life devoid of the possibility of becoming discouraged. The messages of Jesus have given me hope and certainty that the Civilization of Love is really coming. I discovered how to participate, despite my disability and weaknesses. A great source of happiness!
For several years now, I have progressed with this book and on many occasions, I had the joy of hearing the shepherd of our community say words that I had read in the volume, which he did not own himself. It’s the same Holy Spirit that inspires everywhere!

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

Through this intimacy, you are transformed
3A 09

3A_09: My child, remember that the most precious time, when you are most useful to me, is the time we spend together when we enter into a great intimacy. Through this intimacy, you are transformed and made useful in the invisible realm, which is where your primary mission unfolds. Divinely, I love you.

My vital breathe

I give thanks to the Lord for all this Love that He gives us every morning through the “Thought of the Day”. It is my vital breath, it strengthens me for the day. Thanks to the love received from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I understood that everything is in Love, for Love and by Love. This Love that God gives us and that we welcome in our heart, we can also give it. We become a light for others. Out of love, we can forgive. Thank you Lord!
Every day, I recite the prayer “My Yes for Today” and my life has changed. Yes, I want to do His will. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ that lives in me. He has done wonders in my life and He will do the same for all His chosen ones. Let us open our heart, He is at the door and asks to come in. I have welcomed him into my heart and I have thrown away the key for Him to remain there forever.

Click here to read the prayer My Yes For Today

True Words

Thank you for the “Thoughts of the Day”: these messages are my daily spiritual bread. I therefore take the liberty to share with you my progress, made possible by these messages.
I don’t know who subscribed me to the “Thought of the Day”. At first, being allergic to all forms of prayer, I moved these messages to my spam folder. Then several difficulties happened in my life and I don’t know how, after a while, these “Thoughts of the Day” reappeared in my inbox. This time, I didn’t put them with the spam. I read them every day. I kept those that pleased me and suppressed those that were meaningless to me.
Then I travelled to accomplish humanitarian work for two months in a big Asian city. People from the NGO welcomed me saying that I was going to experience suffering. They made me live a nightmare. Without the “Thoughts of the Day”, I would not have been able to go through this. I was trying to access the Internet every two or three days. These were the only true and loving words I received (although I also had emails from family and friends, but it was less common). And in the blaze of my suffering (having, among other things, been contaminated by tropical bacteria), I opened my heart. I said “Yes” to God. I agreed to welcome faith in my heart. Then I met another NGO and for the last two weeks in Asia, I worked with nice people.
I now rejoice, every day, when I read these “Thoughts of the Day” which I meditate in my heart and nourish my soul. Thank you for this free and invigorating gift.

Click here to subscribe to the Thought of the Day

I take your preoccupation
1D 01

1D_01: My child, when you make yourself small, I take your preoccupations, your joys and your sorrows to present them to the Father, and He, in His great Mercy and Love, uses His Divine Hand to release you from the bonds that prevent you from being free.

Retreats for the Chosen Ones

I was born in a Catholic family and as a teenager, I joined the New Age movement for about ten years. As part of my spiritual research on the Internet, I discovered the Website of the Foundation of the Chosen Ones (Fondation des Choisis de Jésus). I downloaded the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and I read them almost all in one go. I was deeply touched. Love seduced me so much that I listened to the conferences available online, and I felt that I couldn’t keep them for myself. So, I suggested to my parish priest to project these conferences for those who might be interested. He accepted.
Nearly 20 people showed up at the first retreat. In the end, they asked me to organize more, because they would do some advertising. About 450 people attended the 23 retreats that have been offered up to now. The priests who attended expressed their astonishment at the quality of the confessions and understand that these retreats are an extraordinary evangelization tool, because of the abundant fruits they generate.
There is a return to religious practice, a more active attendance at masses, a willingness to be trained, and so on. During these retreats, where our Lord is present almost tangibly, I witnessed conversions and return to the Church of people who had decided to stay away 20, 30 or 40 years ago. I was amazed to hear some people say that this retreat was the most beautiful one they had taken part to on the theme of Love.
Personally, I spiritually sustain myself every day with a message of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” that I read in order, in line with the volumes and texts of the Mass of each day. Over the past year, I’ve been spending my Fridays at the parish, listening and providing spiritual guidance and help with the animation of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance

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FCDJ Pensées du jour

Pensée du jour

18 June 2023
: I was born in a Catholic family and as a teenager, I joined the New Age movement for about ten years. As part of my spiritual research on the Internet, I discovered the Website of the Foundation of the Chosen Ones (Fondation des Choisis de Jésus). I downloaded the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and I read them almost all in one go. I was deeply touched. Love seduced me so much that I listened to the conferences available online, and I felt that I couldn’t keep them for myself. So, I suggested to my parish priest to project these conferences for those who might be interested. He accepted.
Nearly 20 people showed up at the first retreat. In the end, they asked me to organize more, because they would do some advertising. About 450 people attended the 23 retreats that have been offered up to now. The priests who attended expressed their astonishment at the quality of the confessions and understand that these retreats are an extraordinary evangelization tool, because of the abundant fruits they generate.
There is a return to religious practice, a more active attendance at masses, a willingness to be trained, and so on. During these retreats, where our Lord is present almost tangibly, I witnessed conversions and return to the Church of people who had decided to stay away 20, 30 or 40 years ago. I was amazed to hear some people say that this retreat was the most beautiful one they had taken part to on the theme of Love.
Personally, I spiritually sustain myself every day with a message of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” that I read in order, in line with the volumes and texts of the Mass of each day. Over the past year, I’ve been spending my Fridays at the parish, listening and providing spiritual guidance and help with the animation of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance
FCDJ Thought of the day

Thought of the day

18 June 2023
: I was born in a Catholic family and as a teenager, I joined the New Age movement for about ten years. As part of my spiritual research on the Internet, I discovered the Website of the Foundation of the Chosen Ones (Fondation des Choisis de Jésus). I downloaded the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and I read them almost all in one go. I was deeply touched. Love seduced me so much that I listened to the conferences available online, and I felt that I couldn’t keep them for myself. So, I suggested to my parish priest to project these conferences for those who might be interested. He accepted.
Nearly 20 people showed up at the first retreat. In the end, they asked me to organize more, because they would do some advertising. About 450 people attended the 23 retreats that have been offered up to now. The priests who attended expressed their astonishment at the quality of the confessions and understand that these retreats are an extraordinary evangelization tool, because of the abundant fruits they generate.
There is a return to religious practice, a more active attendance at masses, a willingness to be trained, and so on. During these retreats, where our Lord is present almost tangibly, I witnessed conversions and return to the Church of people who had decided to stay away 20, 30 or 40 years ago. I was amazed to hear some people say that this retreat was the most beautiful one they had taken part to on the theme of Love.
Personally, I spiritually sustain myself every day with a message of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” that I read in order, in line with the volumes and texts of the Mass of each day. Over the past year, I’ve been spending my Fridays at the parish, listening and providing spiritual guidance and help with the animation of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance

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  • Reste avec moi
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  • Le chant des petits
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  • Tu es celui qui est
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  • Je te salue Marie
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  • Conduis-moi sur tes chemins
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  • Conduis-moi sur tes chemins
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  • En attente
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  • Je t'aime Seigneur
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  • Admirable Joseph
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  • La Croix
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  • La porte de mon coeur
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  • Je vis au fond de toi
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  • Relevez la tête
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  • Vous Me verrez
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  • Le Paraclet
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  • Marie Nous Appelle
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  • Je suis tout petit
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_03.mp3
  • Le voilier blanc
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_04.mp3
  • Ouvre ton coeur
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  • Ouvre ton coeur (message)
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  • Le fils prodigue
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_07.mp3
  • Message 117, vol. 1 1
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_08.mp3
  • Que Ta Volonté soit faite
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  • Notre Père
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  • Mon Coeur blessé
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_11.mp3
  • Adoration
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_15.mp3
  • Un peu de temps
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_16.mp3
  • Jésus te demande
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_01.mp3
  • Pour que l'Amour règne
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_02.mp3
  • Joie pour les coeurs
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • Je Te dis «oui»
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • L'Amour m'aime
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • Douce Maman
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • Brebis bien-aimée
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • L'amour a besoin d'être aimé
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • Ce qui se perd du dehors
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • En Toi je respire
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • Il est vivant
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • Chantons l'Amour
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3