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et vendredis à 12 : 30 HNE.
Votre dose d'amour

At the beginning of 2006, I received a copy of the Latvian translation of the book entitled: “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus” by Léandre Lachance. It was the first of a trilogy of books that Léandre had written in French under this title. The Latvian translation was still in handwritten format and the translator had kindly requested me to assess it.
To assess copies of a religious nature is not a piece of cake. As a Metropolitan Archbishop nominated by the Most Holy Father, I must read each and every text very carefully, with the greatest precaution and the highest sense of responsibility – both towards the author and the people who may read his books.
In any case, I avoid giving my opinion regarding the supernatural character of these messages transmitted by Léandre throughout his books. I only certify that there is nothing in these writings that contravene the Christian faith and good mores and that, given so, these books may be recommended for reading.
At the very beginning of volume 1 (in the third dialogue dated November 11, 1996), Jesus talks to Léandre, thereby asking the following from him:
“Do you accept to be for Me the one who lives only for Me? And who renounces to his own well-being, image, reputation, and thoughts, especially?!”
I immediately understood that these words not only applied to the “little” Léandre (like Jesus calls him in all three volumes), but also to me, personally, and to any other person willing to establish a close relationship with God.
These are keywords. Am I ready to give my “Yes” to Jesus, although it requires major sacrifices from me, even if I had to suffer in the process and even if I had to deprive myself from everything important and close to me?
It is a significant choice indeed but, should the reader decide to reply “Yes” to Jesus, he will then receive and accept the content of these three books with a heart full of joy. And then the message conveyed by these books would reach him deeply and personally.
I have met Léandre twice, once in 2008 and once in 2009, while he was sojourning in Latvia to give conferences and preside retreats. During our last meeting, he thanked me warmly for having given my imprimatur, or “the Church’s consent for the publication” of the Latvian translation of the three books that he had written.
“How would I not have done so?” I replied to him, “I don’t see anything in these books that would contravene the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.”
I am convinced that during the next few years the demand will keep increasing for these three books written by Léandre and that many future generations will keep reading them. The spreading of these books worldwide will definitely not happen in the same manner as for best sellers which enjoy a sudden rise in popularity before they go out of fashion as quickly.
In my opinion, the fact that Léandre’s writings come from an inner inspiration makes them even more meaningful. I don’t doubt that the moving dialogue between Léandre and Jesus will inspire many more people and strengthen their faith and ties with God.
The books written by Léandre make it clear to us that we cannot be truly happy otherwise than by giving and receiving Love. It is not possible to receive happiness neither through glory nor through wealth, nor through belongings, nor through many other things to which we grant great value in today’s world.
These books speak of God like Love. How can one communicate more clearly to humankind the great Love that God feels for each of us? I invite every single reader of these three volumes to accept God’s Love, to love one another with all his heart and to become a creature of Love.

Janis Cardinal Pujats
Metropolitan Archbishop Emeritus of Riga (Latvia)

Abandonment procedure

The Lord is wonderful! With Him, everything is done smoothly. When I went to Mass last Sunday, I made this approach with the priest: to come prostrate before the Child Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as the Three Kings did. Then, on my knees, I gave my life back to Christ; Yes, to His will, to His love. I was in peace and joy!
When you select a message in faith for me, a word comes up several times and engages me […]. What does the Lord expect of me? If you knew how much I love my Jesus. Thank you for all these messages that touch us in the depths of our being.
Because Love loves you, you become Love.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

My God, my hope and my life

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all these messages of love and mercy! Thank you for your unconditional love, thank you for your faithfulness and your infinite patience. What would I do without you, my sweet Savior? I love you Lord and I put this year in Your hands. Guide me, make me docile to listen to Your Word and put it into practice; may Your will become my will. My God, I give you thanks and I adore you […] You are my hope, You are my whole life!

Click here to read the Thought of the Day

His Love circulates freely through you
3B 17 2

3B_17: Beloved children of the Father, that which dwells in the depths of your being and constitutes true worth, you obtain it in the moments of intimacy we have together. It is through this intimacy that you become beings of Love, adjusted to the Will of the Father... and that His Love circulates freely through you to reach other people, first at the invisible level, and then afterwards at the visible level.

Return to Faith

My husband and I have just followed the retreat of the Chosen Ones in Mauritius. During these few days of retreat, we experienced something extraordinary.
I had a very beautiful childhood, surrounded by a united family and we went to mass every Sunday. Upon becoming an adult, my mother told me that I was not obliged to do so and the decision was mine, if I did not want to participate. After a few months, I distanced myself from the Church and began to doubt.
I remained in doubt for several years, but one day, as I was asking myself questions, my mother-in-law, a committed Christian, was there to help me. Then I went to Mass with my husband and I rediscovered the Catholic faith; we began to pray together. However, our prayers did not come from the depths of our hearts. So, we decided to deepen our faith and, for us, the best way to do that was a retreat. But which one to choose? My mother-in-law talked to me about the retreat of the Chosen Ones and we decided to register. We were skeptic before we started, but right from the start, I felt a particular interest arise in me. The more the videos passed, the more I felt peaceful; the messages and testimonies touched me.
We were later invited to kneel before the tabernacle and ask a question to the Lord. Mine was: “How can I give my “Yes” and let go?” On the last day, just before Mass, we took a small paper in an envelope, believing it to be a message from God to us. On my paper, it was written: “The essential is resolved in the invisible.” I did not understand what that meant and I asked the Lord to explain it. After the Mass, the last lecture was on “the invisible.” I felt an extraordinary sensation, because I did not think that the Lord would answer me so quickly, but He did! I immediately understood that the answer to my question was to ask the other people who were present to pray for us. Indeed, we have dreamed for a few years of having a child, without success. I finally understood that our combined prayers would help us!
We have an appointment with a priest tomorrow and we will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation to begin our journey together with a pure heart. Thank you for creating this retreat that has changed our lives. Thank you also for keeping us in your prayers, you are in ours!

Click here to see videos

Receive His Goodness, His Mercy and His Love
2A 10 1

2A_10: Child of My Heart, you have given me your ‘yes’ many times; the Father is seeking for you to repeat it still, in order to complete the masterpiece of Love that you are. Do not waste time looking at yourself or even questioning yourself. Keep your eyes on the Father, look at His Love. Neither seek to make yourself worthy of it nor seek to earn it, for you will never be worthy of so much Love, nor will you ever be able to earn a Love which is so perfect. Receive, receive, receive, His Goodness, His Mercy and His Love, because He wants it to be so.

Witness of the Love of God

I have Parkinson’s disease and the disease is at an advanced stage. However, I rely on the Lord in everything I live. There is nothing that gives peace and consolation as much as struggling and suffering according to the Will of God. I have much to thank the Lord for all His graces, since from Mary to Saint John and other saints up to the three books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”, I have not deserved anything. My Thought for each day is from Volume 1, Number 114: “Thank you, Jesus, for so much love. Yes, I am very small […] Yes, I know that You love me […] Yes, I welcome Your graces […] Yes, I let myself be loved and filled […] I love you […]. “
I really like the Thoughts of the Lord. Having read it in the books, I know that He really calls me to Love, because He already loves me a lot. I want to live this call to Love for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Click here to read the prayer My Yes For Today

A necessary part of your transformation
1F 40 2

1F_40: My child, the events that present themselves to you are a means among others that the Father has chosen as a daily food, a necessary part of your transformation. The sooner they are accepted, experienced and offered to the Father, the sooner they produce their fruit. I love you.

A light in the world

I’m an Evangelical. I work in the domain of social services, helping people with mental disorders. Through my work, I use prayer for those who ask for it.
One day, when I felt unhappy, one of these people came up to me in my office to sing a Christian song. This song said that a Christian person is a light in the world. She said: “You see, you’re a light for us.” I immediately felt plunged in the joy of sharing between the Lord, her and myself.
I read and reread the books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”. They bring me hope, despite my personal problems. Their simplicity allows me to talk about them easily to those around me. But I must say that it is difficult to give my “Yes” to the Lord for a transformation of my being, rather than to believe that it is up to the other person to change. It is essential that I place Jesus Christ in the first place in my life, in my heart, in my decisions and in my thoughts. It is therefore quite a journey, accomplished thanks to the holy patience the Lord has towards me.
Thank you so much for your website where I rejoice reading a Thought every day. These words are always very timely.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

A quenched thirst for God

At a conference of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”, which I attended, I felt the presence of the Lord. The words quenched me, I felt an immense happiness and my thirst was satisfied. I spoke about these messages to priests, seminarians and my director of conscience. A priest from Rotondo read the book and he finds it very good.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

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FCDJ Pensées du jour

Pensée du jour

8 August 2023
: At a conference of "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus", which I attended, I felt the presence of the Lord. The words quenched me, I felt an immense happiness and my thirst was satisfied. I spoke about these messages to priests, seminarians and my director of conscience. A priest from Rotondo read the book and he finds it very good. Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
FCDJ Thought of the day

Thought of the day

8 August 2023
: At a conference of "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus", which I attended, I felt the presence of the Lord. The words quenched me, I felt an immense happiness and my thirst was satisfied. I spoke about these messages to priests, seminarians and my director of conscience. A priest from Rotondo read the book and he finds it very good. Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

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  • Ouvre ton coeur (message)
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  • Message 117, vol. 1 1
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  • Que Ta Volonté soit faite
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  • Mon Coeur blessé
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  • Un peu de temps
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  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • Je Te dis «oui»
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • L'Amour m'aime
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • Douce Maman
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • Brebis bien-aimée
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • L'amour a besoin d'être aimé
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • Ce qui se perd du dehors
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • En Toi je respire
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • Il est vivant
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • Chantons l'Amour
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3