Thank you for everything you do for us, by sending the “Thought of the Day”, the “Weekly Meeting”, but also the “Action of God” section that I always read.
This morning, I’m very touched by the long and beautiful testimony that I have just read. Amazing detail: I was born on August 24th, which corresponds to the feast of Saint Bartholomew. In France, this festival recalls a bloody night: the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, where Catholics massacred a large number of Protestants […]. This is a very painful page in our history, but I read in this testimony that it is also that day that Jesus chose to invite someone from the Lutheran Church to attend a lecture by Léandre Lachance and then to experience His love. Although I’m a Catholic, I also bore the hurt of believing that I must deserve this Love, that I’m unworthy […]. But since I met Léandre in 2007, Jesus heals me and makes me progress with the certitude that I’m infinitely loved and, therefore, that I can love others in turn.