Yesterday was a special day for our family: our eldest son would have turned 15 years old. My husband had taken leave and we were together as a family at the seaside. But the weather was bad, I was sad and my husband annoyed. It was one of those days when nothing goes right! Finally, I turned on the television and we came across a movie which story was similar to our situation: a couple who lives the challenge of the death of their little boy; the story happens on the day of his birthday; the parents in pain are hurting each other, etc. Already, at that moment, I said to myself, “My sweet Jesus, you are here! “
The rest of the movie tells the story of the arrival of a guardian angel, that of the big sister who seems not to exist in the eyes of her mother following the death of her brother, and how the angel ends up reuniting the torn family. This film was a wink from the Lord, it upset us, my husband, our youngest son and me. We ended the day united, in peace and accompanied by the love of God for us. “It’s because Love loves us that we become Love.”
At a retreat with you, we were invited to pick a message from a basket, among many others. The message I received spoke of “the efficacy of the ministry of holy angels”. It was something I had never realized until this retreat. Since then, I speak about it to the people around me and I cannot stop receiving winks from the Lord.
God bless you and may your guardian angels protect you.