A very sick lady, who has to deal with cancer recurrence for the fifth time, offers her sufferings with love and humility, for the greater glory of God. She gives the following testimony:
The books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” changed our lives. After attending a conference of the Chosen Ones of Jesus, we formed a C.L.S. (Community of Love and Sharing). We are six people and we meet regularly to pray, worship, read the Word of God and share. During each meeting, guided by the Holy Spirit, we read at random a passage in one of the volumes, which corresponds generally to what we live on that day. We faithfully give our “Yes” to the Lord and the smaller and more helpless we become, the more our hearts are filled with Love. What happiness to have become Chosen Ones!
We are happy to be instruments of the Father, to help build this New Society of Love as quickly as possible.
Click here to read the “Jesus’ Prayer to His Father, Our Father”