This afternoon, I was listening to the CD of a lecture given by Léandre in Pontmain in October 2001. Why do I listen to it today, having had it for so long? I believe that the Lord was waiting for me. In this conference, it is said that everyone of us will receive gifts today.
Believe it or not, when I placed the CD back at the end of Volume 3, I opened a page at random and came across message 56 on page 94. I was so surprised with it that I immediately closed the volume and decided to pick it up again later, even more so because what Jesus proposes in this message is also what I have felt for some time: the need to stand before Him in silence and adoration, in the presence of the Father and the Spirit. Immediately afterwards, I listened and took part in the rosary broadcast on the radio, during which we sang “O Virgin of listening, teach us your silence …”.
The Lord intervenes by means which are as unexpected as they are appropriate. My belief in it is such that I keep silent, very quiet by the fire, in His presence, at my house, because we have no chapel here and my outings are limited. The Lord speaks loudly, we must know how to listen to Him and follow Him. Let us simply go, with the best will in the world. He will do the rest, the world truly needs it.