I read your last book “Grandfather Léandre’s stories”. I thanked my aunt (a nun) for sending it to me. Here is what I have just written to her: “Hello dear aunt, what a joy to read the new book of Mr. Lachance from cover to cover! It’s interesting and I have learned many lessons. I would love to order dozens of copies to offer to children, parents, teachers, directors, etc. Rest assured that the little stories go a long way to make us discover our little inadequacies, our little defects, our sins.”
Here is what I wrote to my father, aged 74: “Aunt Y. sent me a new book from a grandfather, whose audience are children aged from 3 to 99! I just finished reading it and I can say that I’m part of the group. There is a very exciting small notebook within the lessons that are discreetly conveyed. I’ll show it to you soon. You’ll see for yourself by reading it. It’s not very long to read, but it is a real examination of conscience which bear fruit. I won’t tell you right away what struck me the most, I’ll let you read it first. I’m anxious for my children to discover this treasure.”
I can tell you that I’m very enthusiastic. I will meditate on the lessons learned, in order to present myself at the Sacrament of forgiveness and to enjoy Sunday Mass. I cannot wait to read these beautiful stories again and again with my four children. I think it will be an opportunity for me to delve deeper into each of the subjects…