I was deeply moved by the answer and the advice I received, at a time when my heart was in deep anguish!
I read over these advices for two days, with no hope of apparent change. I held on because your answer was so convincing, though it was humanly impossible to change the situation I was living. Finally, the feedback from my medical check-ups made me jump of joy! Everything is back to normal. I welcomed this miracle in my heart and I danced of joy at the meeting of my prayer group where I shared this testimonial.
During a time of praise, I received the inner image of Jacob’s struggle, and the Lord made me understand that He can lead me, that He wants all the place in me. Two days later, I went back to work after a six month leave and I realized I was no longer the same person. I felt a great inner freedom, a deep listening, my fears of not getting there had disappeared. I’m in a state of Thanksgiving to the Lord and the Virgin Mary for their tremendous intervention just before Christmas!
Because Love loves me, I become Love.