It is high time I thank you for your Christmas message. I listened to it more than once and I printed your letter because I wanted to offer it to my companions and also have the opportunity to meditate in silence […]. Thank you on their behalf.
Yes, sincere appreciation for your message that is inspired by the Spirit of love that lives in you. In union with you, I say and repeat “Yes” to transmit the divine Light by letting myself be consumed by God, according to His holy will, in joy as in sufferings. May I lose none of His gifts and may He obtain for me the grace of unwrapping them with all the love He keeps filling me with. What a joy to have Mother Mary who accompanies us at every moment and especially at the moment of the Eucharist! “Through her, with her and in her”, to become ever more “by Him, with Him and in Him”, all for the glory of the Father.
You are right to rejoice in the wonders of love accomplished through the Chosen Ones of Jesus. I wish that every heart will open itself, especially those of the Chosen Ones of Jesus, so that the Divine Mercy will enlighten us, sanctify us, keep us humble and small to serve in His presence.
Thank you for this beautiful gift which consists in asking us the same three graces you regularly ask for: humility, abandonment and trust.
Link to the Christmas letters: