3A_09: My child, remember that the most precious time, when you are most useful to me, is the time we spend together when we enter into a great intimacy. Through this intimacy, you are transformed and made useful in the invisible realm, which is where your primary mission unfolds. Divinely, I love you.
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Through this intimacy, you are transformed
Let My Mother cradle you
2A_13: My child, blessed are you for having found favour with Me and for welcoming so much Love. Let My Mother cradle you; She is your Mother as well and She loves you madly. Listen carefully to the words She is gently whispering in your ear and which come from My Heart and the Heart of the Father: I love you tenderly, I love you madly.
The Father has these situations under control
2B_31: My child, rest assured that the Father has these situations that you deplore under control. When these unfortunate external events have produced in you the transformation desired by the Father, you will see that these situations will resolve themselves on their own. As gold must be purified by fire, so must you go through many sufferings and difficulties to become this being filled with Love that the Father is making of you at present. Keep on praising the Lord.
The Father has chosen you
1D_11: My child, do not forget that the Father has chosen you. He did not choose you for your merits or your talents, for your piety or for the various skills you could consider as your own or that you may be tempted to consider as your own. It is uniquely through Love that His choice rested on you. Embrace His Love which is freely given!
What determines the fruitfulness
1F_20: My child, what determines the fruitfulness of the plant is its capacity to absorb the rain that falls. It is the same for you. What determines the fruitfulness of your suffering is your capacity to absorb it, that is to say, the way you accept it, as well as your attitude and your behaviour when you deal with it.
Continue to accept My Love
2A_35: My little one, continue to accept My Love by acknowledging your lowliness. That is when you are most desirable to Me for I have so much Love to give you in order that you may become a being overflowing with and radiating My Love. Tenderly, I love you.
I can act through you
1F_24: My child, I am wrapping you with My Great Mantle to protect you and cover you with My Shadow. The more you feel small, weak, and powerless, the more you are useful to Me and the more I can act through you and make use of you. Tenderly, I love you.
Be of use to Me through your heart
2B_40: My little one, you believed that you could be of use to Me through your knowledge. I tell you that it is through your heart, this heart that I am burning with the Fire of My Blazing Love by means of your sufferings. Give Me your burden, you will find that My yoke is light.
I am your security
2A_15: My little one, come and snuggle in My arms. I am your security. Accept the feelings of insecurity that dwell in you at this moment; they are necessary to keep you in humility and total surrender in My hands.
Act as a person of faith
2B_10: My child, your behaviour when faced with a happy or an unhappy event allows you to see whether you acted as a person of faith or as a person of the world. If you see that you acted in good faith, you owe it to yourself to give thanks to the Father by praising and thanking Him for the great favour that he gives you, that of being a witness to His action through you.
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