1B_10: My little one, continue to give me your ‘yes’, even in the smallest details of your life. Admit that, on your own, you can do nothing. Only Love can do all things. It is Love that took you from where you were, somewhat like David was taken from behind his flock to be made a king. I want you to be a pillar of My Church.
Thought of the day
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Only Love can do all things
I like your heart of praise
1B_23: My little one, I like it when you take time to praise Me, to bless Me, to give Me thanks. I like your heart of praise which also soothes My Wounded Heart. Your heart is equally being transformed and is becoming more and more ‘Love’.
I want to make of you My dwelling place
3A_03: My little one, while you are going about your business, you will feel My Presence within you. I want to make of you My dwelling place! I am burning with Love for you! You simply have to open your hands to accept it. I am there, truly within you.
Trust me
1A_28: My child, my little one, if you only knew the importance of what you are experiencing at this time, you would not ask Me for anything else. I who know everything, I know exactly what you need today. Trust me, I love you.
I take your preoccupation
1D_01: My child, when you make yourself small, I take your preoccupations, your joys and your sorrows to present them to the Father, and He, in His great Mercy and Love, uses His Divine Hand to release you from the bonds that prevent you from being free.
Powerful is your beacon
1B_26: My little one, the more you become ‘Love’, the more powerful is your beacon. For this to happen, in order to be this powerful beacon, you must be a being of Love. To become this being of Love, you must let yourself be loved by Me, your Lord and your God. Thus, we will be ONE in Love.
Everything is in the Father’s hands
1D_19: My child, have no fear: everything that concerns you, with respect to your inner self, the people around you, your material possessions and your work... everything is in the Father’s hands. When the time is right, things have a way of working themselves out. Pay attention and see how He works. You will be in admiration, in amazement…
I guide every one of your steps
1B_19: My little one, I guide every one of your steps. I inspire you. I protect you. My Blessed Mother intercedes continually on your behalf. Have no fear, humble yourself. That is when you find the Peace and Joy that you long for.
The principle means to become ‘Love’
2A_33: My little one, to become ‘Love’, the principal means available to you are prayer, living the sacraments, fasting and adoration. To benefit fully from them, your ‘yes’ must be total and your commitment must be unequivocal.
Give me the little faith that you have
1F_17: My child, give me the little faith that you have; I will replace it with the faith of an apostle and a prophet. FAITH and LOVE are inseparable. By becoming a person of FAITH, you are becoming a person of LOVE. By becoming a person of LOVE, you are becoming a person of FAITH.
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