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Votre dose d'amour
Like a love letter

A few years ago, I bought the three volumes of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”, but I did not finish it, because I had scruples to follow a path that did not resemble the Carmelite itinerary in which I had engaged. After trials and the loss of my spiritual companion, I began to seek support. Recently, at the end of the prayer, I had a flash and I thought that the books could serve me as a spiritual guide and I opened the first volume. I can truly say that it is a joy to discover a message every day. It’s like a love letter, eagerly awaited and unmatched.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

The Lord is my safety

I have a fresh personal testimony about your “Thoughts of the Day”: a friend in my entourage came to visit and told me about the neighborhood problems she had been suffering for some time, she was insecure to a saturation point and felt obliged to consider moving. During our exchange, I came to talk to her about another message that had recently brought me the incredible confirmation of an important and difficult decision I had taken on the very day that this message came in my emails. She immediately asked me: “What if we went to read the message of the day?” No sooner said than done, particularly since I had not yet had time to consult it myself. And what a surprise for both of us to see how well this message answered all that she had just shared!
Seeing the word “safety” in this Thought moved her, especially since she had expressed to me the contrary feeling that her current problems generate. She left with a different expression and a new light of hope in her eyes, the message written in hand to be able to read it again at home and meditate it … Amen! Jesus is still alive!

Click here to see also Clickable Thought

A time of retreat

Thank you for this time I shared with you: a moment of prayer, of pause, of reflection; and thank you for the joy that emanates from you.
Since my husband returned to the Eternal Father, I find it hard to rediscover the joy of living that helps us pursue our mission on Earth. So, this retreat allowed me to hand over my suffering, my doubts, my worries for my children and the anguish about my future in the hands of the Lord. And it is wonderful to realize that He cares about it! The tiny light of hope shines in my heart and I cling to the messages that have been given to you. I’m going to purchase the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” as well as the songs that punctuated this three day retreat.
To live in confidence, handing over everything to the Father, relying on the tenderness of Mary and asking the help of the angels and the multitude of saints, such was the hand the reached out to me just at the right moment in my distress and suffering.
I find this teaching in other writings, but I had to hear it from someone else and it was you. There is still a long way to go and I know that hardships will not be lacking, but recently, during Mass, a text from St. Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor 1: 26-29) overwhelmed me. These are the words that have borne us throughout our life as a couple when it was necessary to discern and commit ourselves to various services.
I hope and long to find you one day for another time of prayer and retreat.

Welcoming suffering

Thank you, Jesus, for the victory of Your love over our sufferings! They do not have the same weight when we give them back and You unite them to Yours. You allow us to recognize that they become a path, beacons for the transformation of our being. Yes, with all my soul, I accept Your love for me and by proxy, I ask You this same grace for our world which suffers and tries to escape from this suffering.

Click here to receive a message in faith

Some fruits of Jesus in our country

A lady, who is the director of a publishing house, testifies:
The volumes of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” bring lots of fruits in our country. It shows the work of the Lord. Thanks to the generosity of a businessman, it was possible to distribute a remarkable quantity of volumes for free, especially to priests.
The support of Cardinal J.P., the Archbishop of our country, who also appreciates these spiritual talks, is invaluable in that way.

Click here to read more about the Imprimatur

Our best assurance

I express my gratitude for the immense benefit associated with the messages of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus.” We, who are in therapy, need to hear that Jesus loves us madly. These messages are our best assurance, because they give us the certainty that God saves us and loves us. We are precious to His eyes!

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

Yes, even through difficulties

I just had an experience:
Yesterday, I had a work related meeting where, as usual, everyone except me was aware of everything that has been planned for next year. It was a great disappointment for me, the pain of being sidelined. I was looking for ways to fix this situation. I was so anxious that I could not sleep and I then went back to Volume 2 of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”, which I am discovering. There, an answer was given to me: a total “Yes”! The Father wants me where I am, in littleness; I don’t have to look elsewhere. Peace has invaded me and, on Monday, I will be at work without fighting, I will be where the Father wants me to be.
In the “Act of God”, a priest has testified that he read the volumes in front of the tabernacle. This prompted me to do the same during my husband’s heart surgery. It was so rich and so helpful! Thank you to the Holy Trinity and to our Mother Mary.

Click here to read the prayer My Yes For Today

Timely prayer

I wish to share the benefits of the prayer “My “Yes” for Today” for my sister and myself with you. We already accepted the will of God well enough by reading the books of Léandre Lachance. But after a while, we were perhaps less careful to accept everything God wanted for us.
When I received this beautiful prayer “My “Yes” for Today”, I printed it for myself and for my sister. Since then, we recite it every day and even several times a day. This beautiful prayer was truly timely! Last Tuesday, my brother-in-law fell and broke his hip. It is very difficult for my sister who is already sick and who is used to being helped by her husband. I try in turn to help as much as I can.
It is this beautiful prayer that helps us and supports us at the moment. We let ourselves be touched by this sentence: “Yes, I believe that You take care of my life in the smallest detail.” Every time the ordeal becomes too heavy, my sister recites the prayer from beginning to end. We feel more and more that the Love of God is surrounding and guiding us.
Thank you for this beautiful prayer that brings us closer and closer to our Heavenly Father!

Click here to read the prayer My Yes For Today

A Delicate God

Like many others I imagine, I can testify that the “Thought of the Day” most often corresponds exactly to what I live or what the day or the near future has in store for me. It is somehow “pre-emptive” and “curative”! And it is always as shocking, surprising and comforting to feel the proximity of Jesus. I never tire of marveling at this! The certainty that He is with us in the little daily details, especially those about which we would think He has nothing to do with and with which one has the impression of “rowing” alone.
In fact, our God is truly delicate and caring in His love … when we want to see Him. But we are so distracted, demanding or ungrateful, we have such a short memory of all the good things He accomplishes but so long for what we readily interpret as omissions or a “no” from Him.
Thank you again for the work you accomplish to serve us these Thoughts, which are daily “toasts of life”. May Jesus multiply them so that none of the Father’s children will yet be hungry in this world.

Click here to read the Thought of the Day</ b> </ u>

This Word is alive

I took part in your retreat with a very small group in Delémont (Switzerland) in August. For some time, I have been asking the Lord to find me another job instead of being engaged in Church. I mainly take care of catechesis for the children. You confirmed to me that the Lord wants me in this place. In fact, I started my new pastoral year last September, but for the first time, it was without fear, in a spirit of peace and assurance.
Last week, I took some thought cards with me for catechism. At the time of the prayer, every one of the 9-year-old took a card and they were able to read it to others. At the end of the catechism, a child came to my house and said to me: “This word on this card, it is truly alive; it has been several days since I ask Jesus if it is true that He is always with me and the card gave me the answer.” This is a little wink from the Lord.

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FCDJ Pensées du jour

Pensée du jour

28 April 2024
: I took part in your retreat with a very small group in Delémont (Switzerland) in August. For some time, I have been asking the Lord to find me another job instead of being engaged in Church. I mainly take care of catechesis for the children. You confirmed to me that the Lord wants me in this place. In fact, I started my new pastoral year last September, but for the first time, it was without fear, in a spirit of peace and assurance.
Last week, I took some thought cards with me for catechism. At the time of the prayer, every one of the 9-year-old took a card and they were able to read it to others. At the end of the catechism, a child came to my house and said to me: "This word on this card, it is truly alive; it has been several days since I ask Jesus if it is true that He is always with me and the card gave me the answer.” This is a little wink from the Lord.

Click here to purchase the packets of thoughts
FCDJ Thought of the day

Thought of the day

28 April 2024
: I took part in your retreat with a very small group in Delémont (Switzerland) in August. For some time, I have been asking the Lord to find me another job instead of being engaged in Church. I mainly take care of catechesis for the children. You confirmed to me that the Lord wants me in this place. In fact, I started my new pastoral year last September, but for the first time, it was without fear, in a spirit of peace and assurance.
Last week, I took some thought cards with me for catechism. At the time of the prayer, every one of the 9-year-old took a card and they were able to read it to others. At the end of the catechism, a child came to my house and said to me: "This word on this card, it is truly alive; it has been several days since I ask Jesus if it is true that He is always with me and the card gave me the answer.” This is a little wink from the Lord.

Click here to purchase the packets of thoughts

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  • Je t'aime Seigneur
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  • Je vis au fond de toi
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  • Relevez la tête
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  • Vous Me verrez
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  • Marie Nous Appelle
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  • Le voilier blanc
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  • Ouvre ton coeur
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  • Ouvre ton coeur (message)
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  • Le fils prodigue
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  • Message 117, vol. 1 1
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  • Que Ta Volonté soit faite
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  • Notre Père
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  • Mon Coeur blessé
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  • Adoration
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  • Un peu de temps
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  • Jésus te demande
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  • Pour que l'Amour règne
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  • Joie pour les coeurs
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  • Je Te dis «oui»
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  • L'Amour m'aime
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • Douce Maman
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • Brebis bien-aimée
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • L'amour a besoin d'être aimé
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • Ce qui se perd du dehors
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • En Toi je respire
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • Il est vivant
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • Chantons l'Amour
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3