I come to say thank you again, this time for the volume “The Happiness of Old Age” that I just discovered on Internet. I read it with great joy, it is so true. With the teachings contained in the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and after the pleasure of such a discovery, I will dive once more into this book to savor its content and be imbued with it, assimilating again and again how it works in me.
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The Happiness of Old Age
Welcoming suffering
Thank you, Jesus, for the victory of Your love over our sufferings! They do not have the same weight when we give them back and You unite them to Yours. You allow us to recognize that they become a path, beacons for the transformation of our being. Yes, with all my soul, I accept Your love for me and by proxy, I ask You this same grace for our world which suffers and tries to escape from this suffering.
The miracles of the Lord
A few days ago, I was convinced that I would not have a job for this year. As an assistant to the director in a school, I started to apply for employment insurance. Then, while reading the “Thoughts of the Day” of October 16 and 17, I said to myself: “If I don’t work this year, it is because the Lord has other surprises in store for me, I know He is there.” I then felt an incredible inner peace, all my worries went away. It was so joyful! Against all odds, I opened my mailbox today and found a large envelope containing a renewal of contract for my job. Phew! What happiness! You helped me to keep hope and it made me live with optimism. In addition, I had another good news about my health, which I had been waiting for over 12 years. The miracles of the Lord do not cease to manifest themselves!
The books have transformed our lives
A very sick lady, who has to deal with cancer recurrence for the fifth time, offers her sufferings with love and humility, for the greater glory of God. She gives the following testimony:
The books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” changed our lives. After attending a conference of the Chosen Ones of Jesus, we formed a C.L.S. (Community of Love and Sharing). We are six people and we meet regularly to pray, worship, read the Word of God and share. During each meeting, guided by the Holy Spirit, we read at random a passage in one of the volumes, which corresponds generally to what we live on that day. We faithfully give our “Yes” to the Lord and the smaller and more helpless we become, the more our hearts are filled with Love. What happiness to have become Chosen Ones!
We are happy to be instruments of the Father, to help build this New Society of Love as quickly as possible.
Click here to read the “Jesus’ Prayer to His Father, Our Father”
The confirmation of my vocation
While someone invited me to attend the conference given by Mr. Lachance, I preferred to decline the offer.
Afterwards, I went on a pilgrimage to Einsiedeln. On the train, I was seated with a friend who was present at this conference. He was carrying a copy of Volume 1 of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and was reading a passage that was supposedly intended for him. He did not understand the relevance of this text for him, and asked me to read it. I did it: Oh my God, this text was really about me! It answered a lot of things that were happening to me at that moment!
He told me that he thought he should give this message to someone, but he could not find the right person. It was therefore addressed to me […]. It is a confirmation of my vocation as a consecrated virgin.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
Singing God’s Love
I stumbled upon the website of the Foundation of the Chosen Ones. I was immediately struck by this name, then by the way you speak of the love of God. I’m seduced by the teachings, the prayers and the songs. I have a desire to join you to sing the love of God!
I’m a consecrated woman and I compose songs. If I join your group, I will contribute at my level to spreading this love through the songs. Thank you for the wonder that you are and for all the wonders that you transmit to us.
One Direction
Thank you very much for all the thoughts the Lord has inspired you for us. These words of the Lord are truly precious to me, a true spiritual direction. These are fair words of teaching, consolation, fulfillment and encouragement. As Jesus repeats again and again, and the more we read and listen, we become what He says. Through the sweetness of His name, He is truly an excellent teacher. Moreover, didn’t Jesus tell us, through Biblical texts, that He comes to teach, educate, console and direct the persons whom the Father entrusts to Him? That’s truly what He does with me. He helps me a lot, through the Thoughts you send us occasionally as a response to my emails, not to mention the daily “Thought of the Day”.
Surrendering more every day
Thank you for all your “Yes” that helps us go forward daily. Thank you for all these messages that answer our questions, guide us and allow us to surrender more every day. Thank you for this great humility that puts you at the service of your brothers.
What a joy!
What a joy to have met a friend who put the book “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” in my hands! What a joy to read these passages of love, so many messages that touch my heart! What a joy to have found the way to God the Father through Jesus his Son! What a pleasure to be able to say “Yes”, thanks to this book!
I can’t wait to read the rest and to continue my journey of faith and love. I’m anxious to continue to open my heart by the lines I’m about to read.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
A book that makes you feel better
I ordered the book “The Happiness of Old Age” to give it to my mother who is deeply religious and who has been living alone for 14 years. She is an 83 years old widow. She has devoured the book, she finds it very easy to read and very beautiful. It did her a lot of good, because she often told me that it was not very beautiful to grow old, realizing that only few years were remaining in one’s life. I give glory to God for everything.
The Need for an Irrevocable Yes
I read Volume 2 of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and my enthusiasm was as marked, if not more so, than in the reading of Volume 1. At the morning Eucharist, I restored my complete and unconditional “Yes”, asking Mary to accompany me in this decision. However, I was internally asked to add “indefectible”, then “irrevocable”, to achieve a total “Yes”, unconditional, indefectible and irrevocable. I felt that the Lord was in charge of securing this irrevocability, so I said “Yes” Lord. In Volume 2, at number 73, there is talk of the need to give our “total, unconditional and irrevocable Yes” to set out on the path of the fullness of Love. Right up to the end of the volume, whenever it is question of the “Yes”, the word “irrevocable” is always added. Everything became clear to me. In my freedom, it is possible for me, desirable and necessary that I grant my complete, unconditional, irrevocable “Yes” to the Lord.
Learning to trust
Testimony of a nun:
I feel that Jesus is taking a growing place in my life. Reading the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” helps me to assimilate various aspects of my life where it is difficult for me to be transformed and trusting. I find that Jesus has a different sense of humor and pedagogy than humans. I find Him amazing.
Our small “Community of Love and Sharing (C.L.S.)” meets every fortnight, for a one-hour meeting. Together, we discuss an excerpt of one of the books. We live a beautiful moment exchanging about our experiences of God’s actions in everyday life. I remain convinced that the Lord works in each of us.
May decisions take shape!
Thanks to your entire team for conveying the messages of the Lord with great simplicity. I can recognize myself in every situation, I always learn and the daily readings give me great comfort. They also help me think and allow me to make decisions.
Thank you for these wonderful books.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
Staying connected to Love
My heart is overflowing with joy for the beautiful prayer shared in Volume 1 of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” on pages 202 and 203, in order to be constantly connected to Love, thanks to our breathing. I said it with the desire that it be accepted, and I want to say it and repeat it to Love… to become Love.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
Treasures to share
I want to testify about my transformation, after I listened to the DVDs of the retreat with Léandre Lachance. I testify to everything that turns into something more beautiful, something simpler, and of a growing peace in and around me, in my family and at work. How great and simple at once! It’s so easy, when the heart is open … everything becomes easier! Glory to God! Praise be to Thee, O my God!
I ask for your prayers to help me promote the work of the Chosen Ones – DVD, books, testimonies, etc. There are treasures in all this that I can’t keep for myself. I implore your prayers for God to lead me where He wants, to be docile to His will and to prepare the hearts of those who will be touched. Thank you.
Our happiness is with the Lord
Thank you for this beautiful testimony that touches me in a particular way! It is good to know that we are an army of men and women walking in the same direction: to learn to let ourselves be loved by our Creator and to expect everything from Him. Our happiness is only by walking alongside Jesus every day, while welcoming our helplessness and our smallness.
By our own means, we do not know how to love. Only the Lord can love through us if we open the door of our heart.
Let us love and put our heads on His Heart, to receive the most beautiful thing in the world: love!
The answer I needed
Someone writes to Léandre :
I’m from Rwanda and I live in France. I ask for an intense prayer so that I can see clearly through the complicated spiritual situations I live […].
Léandre Lachance’s answer:
The following points help to see clearly in all the situations of our life:
1- Give our yes to God. (See message 86 of the first volume);
2- Living in accordance with His Word and the teaching of our Church;
3- Surrender our past to the Mercy of God by the Sacrament of Forgiveness;
4- To forgive oneself and others;
5- Pray Mother Mary and the Holy Angels;
6- Place everything in His hands;
7. Give thanks in advance for what He will accomplish.
In faith, I open for you the first volume “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and, to my surprise, I get the message 86, which is consistent with the first point I evoked.
This person’s answer:
[…] I was pleasantly surprised by message #86. It’s really the answer I needed. Many thanks for your message!
Click here for the book ” For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus Volume 1″
I Need Jesus
Testimony of a priest:
Whether we are open-minded or not towards the contemporary messages of the Good News, it seems difficult not to be touched by these Christic invitations entrusted by Jesus to His Messenger in the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus “.
While reading the messages of Jesus, I decided to commit to one or two hours of personal worship prayer per day. Day after day, the Lord makes me understand that I do not have to seek to answer all the questions that I ask myself or that I am asked. I realize that I need Jesus more than the people who come to me need me. I so much need to be taught directly by Jesus. “Continue to let yourself be loved without any merit on your part, to let yourself be transformed, to be guided, for thus Love loves you and you become Love.”
I realize how much the decision to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament is a matter of necessity. The more time I devote to a prayerful heart, the more Jesus gives me His grace and teaches me how to pray. Of course, it is not always easy to remain silent before the Lord. We can even feel that time goes by slowly. It often happens that one is distracted by important matters. We might even feel nothing … But I often find proof of my prayer later, at work or during my apostolate. For my part, I’m very privileged to live with Jesus under the same roof. At any time, I can think of meeting Him. The Lord makes me understand this reality with insistence through the messages: “Just stay with Me, come in My Presence. It’s not what you do for Me that counts, it’s what I want to do for you.” And I would still have so much to share. Friends and readers, try it for yourself and you will see: it works!
Clic here to read “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus “
Custom made with Jesus!
Thank you for message 74! Yes, with Jesus, it is “custom made”! Even when we feel that our crosses are too heavy! He carried them before us. I am currently living through a difficult period, but I continue my path of conversion, thanks to the messages of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and the Holy Scriptures. I am struck by the link and the resonance of one message to another.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
Jesus is Love
A nun, affected by macular degeneration, testifies about the Love of the Lord and gives thanks to Him:
For one year, with one of my sisters, I read every day one or two messages from the books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”. Our life has been completely transformed. This food is Life and Truth for our souls.
These words teach us how Jesus loves all mankind and how to listen to Him and follow His counsel. We feel so strongly that He and His dear Mother love us divinely. I want to thank Him with all my heart, for all the graces with which He fills us.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
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