I want to thank you for the rich teachings from the Lord that you have shared with us. You talked about “Information, Formation, Transformation”. In my littleness, since the retreat, I see in my life the transformations which the Lord operates.
At the beginning of the retreat, you said we should have no expectations, but to be welcoming. That’s what I did. Every day of the retreat, I walked with the Lord, step by step, I said “Yes” and I received all His love.
A first transformation manifested itself in my life: On the way back, in the car with friends, the driver took a wrong turn which resulted in a great detour. Faced with this situation, I was filled with calm and a feeling of surrender, whereas, in normal times, I would have roused, criticized, and so on. Thank you Lord for this budding transformation. Every day, assiduous to prayer, I say “Yes” to the Lord.
What also helps me is to tell Him that I renounce my thoughts and, when I do so, peace comes into my heart at once. Every morning, I read the “Thought of the Day” on the Internet. I then meditate it entirely in the related volume. In the evening, before going to bed, I ask the Lord to give me another Thought for the night.
Every day, I receive a gift package from the Lord, and I open it. Again, thank you for your “Yes” which allows me to say “Yes” on my part. I’m happy to be loved by Love, so that I may become Love.
God's Action
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We are gathered in a C.L.S. group at Roc-Estello, cradle of the Civilization of Love and the New Evangelization and we think warmly of you.
– We remain in communion of prayers with you every day, thanks to our good memories, the messages and those who continue to spread them, with Father J.M.D. who is present among us. (P.)
– I do not know Léandre very well, but I know enough to know that I’m moved in my heart. (P.)
– Your messages have allowed me to understand that my heart is a welcoming area for Jesus. (N.)
– The Gospel and the “Thought of the Day” launch my day. Whether at work, with family or with friends. (V.)
– Know that you can count on brothers and sisters among us. (M.)
– The most important of all messages has been “Let Him act” that we must put first in all our actions, which would be first of all “non action” on our part in order to “let Him act”. For me, it’s a difficult exercise, because I was conditioned by an American company to respect objectives and I had to reorient myself to get out of it. Between money and Love, I chose Love. Thank you Léandre for your support. (N.)
– Léandre’s messages allowed me to grasp a difficult situation with confidence. What came to my mind the moment I was told I was fired was that the Lord might want me elsewhere. Indeed, the next day, I had another job, more suitable at all levels. In addition, my new employer will accompany us to Sunday Mass! (C.)
– 2 years ago, Claude asked, in his prayers, to be granted to have free Wednesday afternoons so that he could devote that time to the Lord […]. And his new boss offered him to be free every Wednesday afternoon! (N.)
– Let’s be in acceptance. (C.)
– Trust and acceptance (V.).
I wrote a book that played an important role in my spiritual life. The Lord showed me the mountain of pride that I had put into this work and He asked me to give it up. However, at the same time, he placed in my hands an excellent tool to meet His request: the first book “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus “.
Since then I have evolved with the three volumes. My only desire is to live in communion with Jesus. It’s an ongoing process … There are difficult times and tribulations, but there are also jubilations. My spiritual journey really began with these three volumes.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus b> u>
Thank you, Jesus, for the victory of Your love over our hatreds, our distress and our miseries. Thank you for this gift of love that envelops us so much that our thoughts and actions become more and more Your action. Thank you for reminding us that the more we welcome Your love, the more we become Love.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
Every day, I cry while reading the word I receive. I mourn to see how great, good, merciful, and loving God is. He is the God of hope, He sees my sufferings, and my life is like an open book before Him. He answers all my questions; He comforts me and allows me to question myself by reading the thought of each day; He gives me more self-confidence. What a joy to hear Him tell me: “I love you!” every day.
I received the books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” as a gift. While reading them, answers came by themselves […]. An event presented itself and I recognized at once that it was a sign to test the sincerity of my “Yes”.
I read in a different way, I look at things in a different way and I understand in a different way. I, who lived in anxiety, I received immense joy when I gave my “Yes” to the Lord. This joy continues to inhabit me through the different events that would have caused panic in me before.
Yesterday, during your Facebook Live, I shared with you a problem I was experiencing in my couple and you answered me on air. I was challenged by the word “forgiveness”. This morning I attended the Rosary Mass and prayer. I felt very strongly the need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, after having invoked Mary to ask her to manifest herself before me and touch the heart of the priest, mine and that of my husband. The priest had five minutes to grant me, and that was enough to deposit the weight I bore in the Heart of Jesus! I felt a sweet emanation flowing over my heart … Jesus is victorious! Upon my return at home, I begged my husband for forgiveness with all my heart: this had never happened before. The forgiveness and mercy of God came upon us. My husband granted me his forgiveness and asked for mine as well. My tears flowed. Many obstacles have fallen and peace is finally there. Glory to God and thank you for your prayers.
The graces of the sacrament of marriage are powerful. I will no longer forget to rely on this sacrament in my couple and for other friends who experience difficulties. Yes, I am very small … and because Love loves us, we become Love.
Click here to read the Prayer for couples united by the sacrament of marriage b> u>
I began to read the books of the “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” trilogy. Wonderful! It’s a real shower of love that I took with these books, they are alive! I’m a great reader, but I have never been so moved, shaken, joyful and amazed by a book, except perhaps the Bible itself. It is as if these books spoke to me, as if my heart recognized the Father who is speaking to me. They are of great simplicity and yet of an incredible force of love. It is fabulous! It’s impossible not to be touched in the heart by the sweetness of the words. In this darkened world, your books come to give us light and oxygen. We need so much, we need so much love, a true love!
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus
My spouse’s daughter did not want to have anything to do with me for seven years. At first, I found the situation difficult, but when I gave my “Yes” to Jesus, I felt better. Every day, I repeated “Daughter of G., because Love loves you, you become Love”.
Since two months, she came back home, but it was still difficult for us. Just recently, she gave me a big hug and said, “I love you R.” Imagine, we had not seen each other for seven years! I am surprised! Wow! It’s really a nice gift! “Because Love loves me, I become Love. “
Testimony of a priest:
Every day, during the holy Mass, I will carry you in the Chalice of the Holy Sacrifice, so that God may fill you with all His blessings and crown all your projects with success. I love you very much. I carry you consistently in my heart and in my humble prayers.
May Jesus and Mary, Our Lady of Tenderness, always accompany you and give you courage, strength, health and enthusiasm to pursue your mission.
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