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10 October 2023
Trusting Providence

The “Thought of the Day” is timely. I have just made a decision and Ms. Insecurity and Ms. Anxiety seek to sneak into my heart. But, I prefer the Presence of Jesus and Mary with total confidence; I let myself be enveloped in their peace, thanking them in advance to make up for everything and to allow their Providence, which has always been there for me, to be so.
I offer my prayer of abandonment and trust, praying the Holy Spirit to guide me in this new Path I have chosen, that of retiring, even though it entails a significant financial loss. I have reached my retirement age, and this is the starting point of a vocation whose outlines are still vague, but resolutely turned towards the Lord. I hope that this choice is good in His eyes and that it pleases Him, because I’m happy to do His will. I feel called to leave this job and I choose to listen to the voice (and way) of the Holy Spirit inside me. I’m still a little scared, but Jesus is there in the boat, and when things get bumpy, I rest on His shoulder and fall asleep with Him. It fills me!

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Jesus teaches me trust

My spiritual life has changed a lot since I received a word of Jesus at one of your conferences, inviting me to cut all the ties that burden me. A friend had already offered me the first volume of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”, but I had put it aside. When I came back, two nuns with whom I shared what I had experienced during this meeting wanted to read the book. Witnessing their enthusiasm, I decided to read it as well, out of curiosity. I was overwhelmed. It’s really Jesus who speaks to us! Day after day, I savor His words that pierce my heart as if they were personally addressed to me. Jesus teaches me, leads me, purifies me, progressively removing my doubts, my anguishes and everything that blocks my access to Love. Despite the difficulties I encounter, I feel trust, hope and love blossom in me. Jesus teaches me to surrender, to give my “Yes”. It’s liberating! I’m currently experiencing a new relationship with the Lord. I thank Him for the transformations He is operating in me.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

Meditation on Love

When I evolve in the world, my heart is naturally open to welcome love. Throughout my early childhood, I am unconsciously in a welcoming and open mode to love. If I receive love, my heart is filled and flourishes day after day and I don’t realize it. If I do not get it, it unconsciously creates a closure to love. The result is a great wound, rendering practically impossible the gift of love and its reception. Fortunately, in adulthood, love becomes conscious. It is now possible to dare welcoming it.
The desire for love is present in everyone. The unknown, closures, fears, wounds, rejections, judgments – and all that is not love – prevent me from daring to love. Yet, conscious of this love, I dare to go even further, despite fears, wounds or judgments, because I know the potential of the love that has already been welcomed, received and lived. It leads to self-confidence, in others and in Life. One step at a time, fear diminishes.
Therefore, I let myself be loved by God, knowing that He loves me unconditionally. True love is lived within the heart. The more I receive Love, the more I become Love, and the more I give joy and peace. Finally, as with all things, I must practice becoming better in the challenge of Love. Nobody can do it for me. I begin by saying “Yes” to the Love that God offers me every day in my heart, then I welcome it and trust in His action in my life.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

He puts everything in place

When I was born, I was abandoned by my mother, and was adopted at the age of four. A few years ago, I began my spiritual journey, which led me to participate in a retreat whose speaker was the author of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus.” The veil then rose, revealing all the wonders, all the divine graces that await us when we give our “Yes” of love to Jesus. It’s as if all the pieces of a puzzle were put in place. All the stages of my life and my spiritual journey have made sense. The moments of happiness, like those of suffering, are part of my transformation, my purification. All this is Love. My journey continues and I surrender to the Divine Power. I let the Father act, for He alone knows what is good for me. In His immense love, He puts everything in place and He brings me where He wants.

Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus

Loved and safe

Thank you very much for sending me the daily “Thoughts of the day”. My day begins with these words of love and it brings me in the presence of God. Before going to sleep, I always take a page from one of the books “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” and it is truly incredible to see how God speaks to me, sometimes even with the first letter of my name. I feel loved, safe; I can throw all my sorrows and travails at Him, into His love. I forward the Thought every day to my friends and people I know and they are all so touched by God’s personal love for them. My husband is also happy, and these Thoughts are always the right words for him!
May our Lord and our Blessed Mother Mary protect and bless you and your family and all those who are associated to you in the love of God.

Click here to read the Thought of the Day

The Action of God: what a wonder!

What is said in the beginning of the retreat on DVD is so true: we will never finish unwrapping the gifts that the Lord wants to give us in our heart!
What a beautiful retreat we had this weekend! Small groups really make it possible to further develop our relationship with God, with others and with oneself. A lady has gone through an even deeper conversion. She had sought the Lord everywhere, notably in Buddhism among other places. After her parents moved, they had to get rid of certain things and the three volumes “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” were among her new possessions. When she opened one of the volumes, she was deeply touched and felt the call to return to her original faith. She did an Internet search and ended up here to live a retreat. It was beautiful! She has been touched by many aspects of the teachings, but also by the Love that flourishes here.
For another person, it was a great liberation. When she arrived, she was stressed and withdrawn, but she came away radiant, smiling and freed of a big weight that was burdening her shoulders. She starts chemotherapy soon, she has four children, and she is only 42 years old. She gave her “Yes” to the Lord for all that she is living. Her mother, who was also present, had already watched the retreat on the Internet, but she was very happy to have taken her daughter and witnessed the action of God so strongly.
A young man who was present proved to be a nice gift for the whole group. He had a history of terrible suffering. Beaten to the extreme by his father when he was a child, he had developed a big shell inside which he was protecting himself and he was even sent to prison. Since his release two years ago, he wants to reintegrate into society, but that is not easy since he suffers rejection because of his past. He let himself be loved by the Lord, as well as by the people who were present at the retreat. The Lord was waiting for him, to touch him in the depths of his heart.
It was a weekend full of emotions, joys, tears and above all, it was a time of reconciliation with the Lord. How wonderful it is to see God accomplishing His work in each of us! I will never stop marveling at the action of God, who has His plan for each of His children who give Him his or her total, irreversible and irrevocable consent.

Click here to read more testimonies

The volumes transformed his faith

Thank you very much for your message that directly touched my heart. My husband read and reread the three volumes of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”. He kept telling me that these teachings have completely transformed his faith. His faith has been renewed.

Click here to read more testimonies

Facing obstacles with the help of the ‘Thought of the Day’

I want to thank you for this message that I can read every day and that allows me to move forward by facing the numerous obstacles that present themselves to me during the day. I am very grateful and do not know how to express my gratitude. Before the morning starts, I always wait to read you in order to properly live everything that the day has in store for me.
Thanks again for giving us so much courage because, oftentimes, I feel that every word was chosen for me and comes to my attention at the right time.

Click here to subscribe to the Thought of the Day

Messages, like parables

Since my baptism, Jesus has not stopped walking in front of me or with me. The books of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus” provide me with good moments of reflection and meditation that help me to greet my divine Spouse during my visit to the Blessed Sacrament. The style is simple and concrete. The messages are like parables, the way Jesus Himself instructed His apostles and we can put them into practice on a daily basis. The Lord only wants the best for us. He does not wish misfortune, suffering and all the evils and plagues that are invading the earth today. These are warnings for us to think that He can do anything if we trust Him and thank Him in advance for what He prepares and has in store for us daily.

Click here to purchase the books and CDs

The graces of a retreat

Having lived a painful and stressful time in my life, I went to one of your retreats hoping to find some comfort and some answers. It had been strongly recommended to me.
I let myself be penetrated by the teachings. Soon, I changed my way of looking at life and events. I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit for the smallest steps and decisions. I don’t get carried away anymore and I think things through more thoroughly. I entrusted my life and put my children in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
When a negative situation arises, I wait for stress to pass, then I reflect and let myself be guided and inspired towards positive solutions. So that’s what I’m saying. I always try not to be aggressive, but reasonable and measured. I get a lot more messages of love in return.
I pray with the conviction that I’m listened to and carried by Jesus who is my dearest and most wonderful friend. I receive the “Thought of the Day” and I already have the first volume of the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”. I read at least two messages a day, and every time I find something that invites me and speaks to me personally. I try to talk about it to people around me and I invite others to the retreat. I participate to Mass with more fervor and take holy communion with more Love.
I often ask my guardian angel to talk to the guardian angel of a person with whom I’m in conflict to sort things out in the best possible way … and that’s what happens. I try to be more welcoming and smiling with everyone. I ask for graces for those I love and for those I don’t like enough. I better accept and welcome difficult situations. I try to be more caring and generous towards others.
That’s what has changed in my life, I look differently on life and people, I like them better.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance

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FCDJ Pensées du jour

Pensée du jour

1 October 2023
: Having lived a painful and stressful time in my life, I went to one of your retreats hoping to find some comfort and some answers. It had been strongly recommended to me.
I let myself be penetrated by the teachings. Soon, I changed my way of looking at life and events. I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit for the smallest steps and decisions. I don’t get carried away anymore and I think things through more thoroughly. I entrusted my life and put my children in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
When a negative situation arises, I wait for stress to pass, then I reflect and let myself be guided and inspired towards positive solutions. So that's what I'm saying. I always try not to be aggressive, but reasonable and measured. I get a lot more messages of love in return.
I pray with the conviction that I’m listened to and carried by Jesus who is my dearest and most wonderful friend. I receive the "Thought of the Day" and I already have the first volume of the trilogy "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus". I read at least two messages a day, and every time I find something that invites me and speaks to me personally. I try to talk about it to people around me and I invite others to the retreat. I participate to Mass with more fervor and take holy communion with more Love.
I often ask my guardian angel to talk to the guardian angel of a person with whom I’m in conflict to sort things out in the best possible way ... and that's what happens. I try to be more welcoming and smiling with everyone. I ask for graces for those I love and for those I don’t like enough. I better accept and welcome difficult situations. I try to be more caring and generous towards others.
That’s what has changed in my life, I look differently on life and people, I like them better.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance
FCDJ Thought of the day

Thought of the day

1 October 2023
: Having lived a painful and stressful time in my life, I went to one of your retreats hoping to find some comfort and some answers. It had been strongly recommended to me.
I let myself be penetrated by the teachings. Soon, I changed my way of looking at life and events. I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit for the smallest steps and decisions. I don’t get carried away anymore and I think things through more thoroughly. I entrusted my life and put my children in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
When a negative situation arises, I wait for stress to pass, then I reflect and let myself be guided and inspired towards positive solutions. So that's what I'm saying. I always try not to be aggressive, but reasonable and measured. I get a lot more messages of love in return.
I pray with the conviction that I’m listened to and carried by Jesus who is my dearest and most wonderful friend. I receive the "Thought of the Day" and I already have the first volume of the trilogy "For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus". I read at least two messages a day, and every time I find something that invites me and speaks to me personally. I try to talk about it to people around me and I invite others to the retreat. I participate to Mass with more fervor and take holy communion with more Love.
I often ask my guardian angel to talk to the guardian angel of a person with whom I’m in conflict to sort things out in the best possible way ... and that's what happens. I try to be more welcoming and smiling with everyone. I ask for graces for those I love and for those I don’t like enough. I better accept and welcome difficult situations. I try to be more caring and generous towards others.
That’s what has changed in my life, I look differently on life and people, I like them better.

Click here to view a retreat given by Leandre Lachance

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  • Je t'aime Seigneur
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  • La porte de mon coeur
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  • Relevez la tête
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  • Ouvre ton coeur
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  • Ouvre ton coeur (message)
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  • Message 117, vol. 1 1
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  • Que Ta Volonté soit faite
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  • Mon Coeur blessé
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  • Adoration
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/22pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis.-jésus22-volume-2.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_15.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_15.mp3
  • Un peu de temps
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/22pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis.-jésus22-volume-2.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_16.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//CD_PBM2_16.mp3
  • Jésus te demande
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_01.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_01.mp3
  • Pour que l'Amour règne
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_02.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_02.mp3
  • Joie pour les coeurs
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_03.mp3
  • Je Te dis «oui»
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_04.mp3
  • L'Amour m'aime
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_05.mp3
  • Douce Maman
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_06.mp3
  • Brebis bien-aimée
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_08.mp3
  • L'amour a besoin d'être aimé
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_09.mp3
  • Ce qui se perd du dehors
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_10.mp3
  • En Toi je respire
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_11.mp3
  • Il est vivant
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_13.mp3
  • Chantons l'Amour
  • Les Choisis de Jésus
  • https://www.fcdj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pour-le-bonheur-des-miens-mes-choisis-jésus-volume-1.jpg
  • Catégorie 1
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3
  • https://www.fcdj.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/05//cd_pbm1_14.mp3