“Let’s ask God a true faith “
Léandre Lachance (Canada) received between 1996 and 2002 very beautiful teachings of the Lord, gathered in the trilogy “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones, Jesus” (3 volumes available in Europe at Editions du Parvis). Jesus then sent Léandre on a “mission”, through the conferences and retreats in which he participates. Highly appreciated especially for his simplicity, gentleness and clear manner of dealing with everything related to God, Léandre answers our questions in the particular context of the Year of Faith.
THE CALL OF HEAVEN: The word “faith” often comes up in the 3 volumes of messages “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones”. Jesus says, “My child, give Me your little faith. I will replace it with the faith of an apostle and a prophet. Faith and love are inseparable. By becoming beings of faith, you become beings of love. By becoming beings of love, you become beings of faith … “
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: We must not hesitate to ask God to help us have a true faith: in spite of the sufferings and trials we experience, we know that God loves us and that He provides for the good of every man but we must trust Him. In order to have a foolproof faith, I believe that we should especially ponder the fact that when the persecutors of Jesus believed that He was done with Him because He was at the shrine, it was in fact a new life that was beginning. We can see then that our faith must be total, despite the trials we are going through.
THE CALL OF HEAVEN: Jesus also told you: “When nothing seems to come before you, that’s when I’m doing the most. And if I want to use you, it is only for your faith to grow. “This shows us that our faith is strengthened through trials …
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: Experience has taught me this: when we are in a difficult situation, we want to see things change in our external environment. And sometimes, nothing does change. We must then realize that we too need to be transformed from the inside. It is to the extent that we accept to be transformed by God and persevere in the confidence that we will perceive changes in ourselves, that we will realize that we no longer consider events with the same eyes. Instead of apprehending them with a purely human look, we will consider them with the gaze of faith. And when we accept to consider all our environment with the eyes of faith, we see that many things change.
When God allows our faith to grow through trials, we also become witnesses of His action. I receive so many testimonials from people I met many years ago and whom I see today. All these real-life transformations make me say that I do not have the choice to believe or not to believe: this is essential to me, it is a palpable reality. The more we accept to be “used” by God, the more our faith grows and, to return to the passage you just quoted, the more our faith grows, the more our love grows, because faith and love are inseparable. We cannot become a being of love if we are not a being of faith and vice versa. When our faith and our love grow, we discover a new happiness, a new peace.
THE CALL OF THE SKY: In another message, we note this sentence: “Be without fear, continue to advance in pure faith.” How to explain concretely what pure faith is?
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: I think that this consists of accepting to be led by God, without knowing where we are going (Abraham and Moses). Many people come to me and ask me for advice because they want to know where they are going. Me too, I always wanted to know, at first. I spent my professional life in the business world, where I was used to making schedules, forecasts. But we must trust God and accept to let ourselves be led. Let us meditate His word: “If you do not become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” In fact, we do not need to know where we are going, we just need to know who is leading us: God.
The day we give our total “yes” to God, where we totally put our lives in His hands, we know then that He leads our lives and we no longer feel the need to want to know.
THE CALL OF HEAVEN: Our witness of faith is important to bring about the conversion of our neighbor. Jesus says to you, “If you are not a being of faith, how can you create faith in others?”
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: We cannot give what we do not have. It is to the extent that we truly live with faith and love that we can pass this on to others. I also remember an old saying that says: what you are speaks so loudly that I do not hear what you say. We cannot become a being of faith if we do not let God act in us. The most important thing is not to want to know where we are on the path of faith and love, but to make sure that we are well on this path.
THE CALL OF HEAVEN: Jesus also gives you this teaching: “If you find that you have behaved like a man of faith, you owe it to yourself to give thanks to the Father by praising Him and thanking Him for this great favor that he gives you by making you witness His action through you. If you find that you have had a behavior contrary to that of a man of faith, like a behavior of the world, you hasten to rely on the Mercy of the Father. According to the importance or the gravity of the gesture, you will carry it to the sacrament of reconciliation, so that it is completely forgiven and that the complete transformation of your being takes place in you, to become this being full of love, kindness and of mercy which allows the love of the Father freely to pass. “Don’t we too often tend to act as man of the world rather than as a man of faith?
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: To act as a man or a woman of faith is to act in accordance with the Word of God and the teachings of the Church, to spread happiness, love and peace around oneself.
To act as a man or a woman of the world is to be carried away by our temperament, to be influenced by our subjective opinions and the different currents of thought of the world. I think that Jesus also wants to call us through His teachings to the utmost humility. Because we are all very vulnerable to pride, even with a long journey of faith, because the most dangerous pride is spiritual. This is why Jesus asks us to give thanks when we act as men of faith because it is not our action but His action. And even when we realize that we have acted as men of the world, we must show humility: rather than indefinitely blaming ourselves, we must recognize our weakness, carry it to confession and start going forward again. Thus, we will remain in the freedom and holiness of the children of God.
THE CALL OF THE SKY: It is nowadays common to hear that one wants to “see to believe”. On the contrary, you say that if we trust in the omnipotence of God’s love rather than in man’s, we must believe in order to be able to see …
LÉANDRE LACHANCE: It’s the big difference between the society that took place in the 20th century and that of the 21st century, which is moving towards the Civilization of Love. The society of the 20th century was built around knowledge, possessions and power while in the Civilization of Love, it is the being who is at the heart: what kind of being am I? ? The world tends to value what the being does rather than what he is. This is so entrenched in us that we always ask others what they are doing, but not what they are. People who give their “yes” to God and thus accept to become beings of love are building the new Civilization of Love.
To be continued…