2015 – Christmas Letter 2015 by Léandre Lachance
As the great Christmas celebration approaches, many people think of gifts. Well, me too! Especially the extraordinary gifts that God our Father gave to humanity following the Yes given by a young girl from Israel. This Yes of Mother Mary gave us a Savior JESUS.
JESUS, in coming to this earth, gave us a multitude of gifts by His teachings and by the institution of the sacraments that He entrusted to our Church. The most beautiful, the largest and the most powerful is surely the Eucharist!
Having received much from the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist, following the example of Mother Mary, I decided to give a total, unconditional and irrevocable yes to God(1) . Since that time, I have been receiving a multitude of gifts that are sometimes preceded by failures and suffering.
What overwhelms and fulfills me a lot is to see the large number of people from all over the world who give their Yes to God through the work of the Chosen Ones of JESUS and who, in turn, receive a multitude of gifts.
Our God is truly a God of Mercy and Love. It is to be expected that during the year of Divine Mercy(2), many gifts will be poured into the hearts, souls and minds of people who give their Yes to the Lord.
In this year of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis, we can draw a close parallel between the theme of Mercy and the spirituality of the Chosen Ones of Jesus which is a spirituality of transformation of hearts by the Love of God. Moreover, the little Therese of the Child Jesus prayed frequently by an act of offering to the Merciful Love(3). Both, Mercy and Love, are inseparable. It is because God is Love that there is Forgiveness. Now, the admirable key to fully accept the Mercy and Love of our God is humility. The true Yeses must be given with humility, the Sacraments must be lived with humility, etc. The more we descend into humility, the more we meet God who wishes to make us beings of love … I want to share with you a very beautiful gift that I received on January 2, 2003(4), a gift for every one of us; here it is :
I was at Mass with the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament and, after the proclamation of the readings of the day, recounting the Baptism of Jesus, the priest, exceptionally, did not pronounce a homily. Then, from the bench behind me, a pious lady whose name I do not know, but who participates diligently at Mass, put her hand on my shoulder and said: “Ask Jesus why He was baptized and when you have the answer, you will share it with me.” Surprised by this question, I make it mine to present it to Jesus. Shortly after, the following rose up in my heart:
• “I made this request to John because I was totally Human. By this gesture of humility, the Father revealed that I was entirely God, opening the Heavens and saying: This is My beloved Son in whom I have put all My Love; listen to Him.
• By this gesture, you receive a great teaching: it is when you descend in your humility that the Father reveals the divinity He has put in you.
This teaching is for me the subject of a great and profound meditation! After Mass, I give the answer to the lady in question, and we continue to worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. When she left the chapel, she said to me, “I confirm to you that what you are telling me really comes from the Lord. “
Later, Jesus exchanged with me again on the subject of humility; here are the main points(5) :
- My dear little one, I want you to continue to meditate and pray on this teaching, for it summarizes the fundamental point of the three volumes “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus.” This is the foundation on which the New Church and the New Society will be built. The first sin of angels and men was pride; and the misguidance of the world is part of the same sin: pride. The Civilization of Love can only be built on the basis of humility.
- It is through humility that other virtues can take flight. Just as it is by pride that evil in all its forms has entered the world.
- You who are chosen to build this New World, you must surrender to the Mercy of the Father and carry to the Sacrament of Reconciliation the multiple forms of pride that manifest in you.
- You must ask, beg even, at every moment, the grace of humility.
- Never forget that it is in the depth of humility that you can reach the height of holiness.
- It is through humility that you can welcome Love and become beings of Love.
- Your gestures of humility attract you to torrents of grace and love. Divinely, I love you. Divinely, I love you. “
Through the intercession of Mother Mary,
I ask Jesus
as gifts for you, the same three graces
that I regularly ask for myself:
Humility, abandonment and trust.
Merry Christmas and Holy Year 2016!
Léandre Lachance
- See volume 1, messages # 152 & 162 of “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus.” Website: http://www.fcdj.org/bibliotheque/livres_for_the_summer_of_the_family_of_home
- Website: http://www.evangelium-vitae.org/veillees/26/jubile-de-l-misericorde–20152016.htm
- See website: http://www.missa.org/nstej.php
- Unpublished message.
- Unpublished message.