In our everyday life, we sometimes make harsh judgments about others. More and more, in my life, I try not to fall into this trap. I share a lived experience that really made me think.
On the occasion of my birthday, in January 1989, my children gave me a big, blank book saying, "What you have passed on to us, we do not want it to be lost; do you want to write it?” If there is one thing I never thought I would do, it is to write a book. I did not think I had that talent, neither the pen nor the skill. As this desire came from my children, out of love for them and especially for my grandchildren, I set to work, not without difficulty. In December 1989: "For the Happiness of My Own, 42 ingredients to reach the summit" was born. My children were the first to receive it, and afterwards I distributed it to friends. Mission accomplished, I put away my pencil ...