I want to share with you a great happiness. After having had some difficulty to confess myself, it was finally possible. The priest asked me if I wanted to talk or confess, we did both through a mutual exchange. When he left, he saw me go down the stairs with great difficulty and said, “Do you not want to be cured?” I replied: “Of course, I want to heal!” He therefore proposed that I should receive the Sacrament of the Sick. No sooner said than done. He asked me this question: “Do you believe that Jesus can cure you?” At that moment, I understood that Jesus could heal us, but that we had to make an act of faith to make it happen. I cried, after the imposition of hands and holy oils. Then he told me to go down the stairs normally, and that’s what I did!
This is the great grace I have received! I no longer endure life, I live it. Thank you! Praised be our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit who is at work.