Today, the “Thought of the Day” has produced a dazzling effect in me. I even jumped up to thank our Lord! It was as if He was there and looked at me, even in all the gestures of my daily life that have become so insipid and banal!
Through the Thought of this day, the Lord tells me that He looks at me and that He does not abandon me, that He is aware of my disarray. Moreover, He promises to fill me for what I do for free. It’s incredible, but in a matter of seconds, He made me understand that He was there! He knows everything! He is also the only one to compliment me so!
I listened to you and met briefly during your visit to N/S a few years ago. It was an unforgettable evening and the beginning of the discovery of the volumes “For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones. Jesus”.
Click here to read For the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones – Jesus b> u>